Subcutane fat necrosis (SFN) is a rarely seen disease of newborn, appears with nodules and plaques and its etiology is not copletely known. The case is a 26 days baby who was 5000 grams and born with symptoms of perinatal asphyxia had two hard and erytnematous plaques on his nape and neck, and the diagrosis of SFN was histopathologically confirmed. We want to present the case because the disease is rarely seen.
Keywords: Subcutan fat necrosis, newbornSubkutan yağ nekrozu (SYN) nadir görülen, etyolojisi tam olarak bilinmeyen, nodül ve plaklarla seyreden bir yenidoğan hastalığıdır. Ense ve boynunda iki adet sert eritematöz plağı olan ve histopatolojik olarak SYN tanısı doğrulanan, 5000 gram ağırlığında ve perinatal asfiksi bulguları ile doğan 26 günlük bebek olguyu, hastalığın nadir görülmesi nedeniyle sunmayı uygun gördük.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Subkutan yağ nekrozu, yenidoğan