Dr. Hulusi Behçet (1889-1948) is a famous Turkish dermatologist. He was born in Istanbul on February 20, 1889. His father was Ahmet Behçet and his mother was Ayşe Behçet. Dr. Hulusi Behçet pursued his education at Gülhane Military Medical Academy. After he had become a medical doctor, he specialized in dermatology and venereal disease at Gülhane Military Medical Academy and he completed his specialization in 1914. Dr. Behçet followed the symptoms of three patients whom he had had for years, then he decided that they were the symptoms of a new disease (1936). He died from a sudden heart attack on March 8, 1948. Today, this disease is universally called Behcet's disease in medical literature.
Keywords: Hulusi Behçet, Behcet’s diseaseDr. Hulusi Behçet (1889-1948) ünlü bir Türk dermatologdur. 20 Şubat 1889’da İstanbul’da doğdu. Babası Ahmet Behçet, annesi Ayşe Behçet’tir. Tıp eğitimine Gülhane Askeri Tıp Fakültesinde başladı, deri ve zührevi hastalıkları uzmanı olarak 1914’de mezun oldu. Dr. Behçet yıllarca takip ettiği üç hastasının bulgularının yeni bir hastalık olduğunu saptamıştır (1936). 8 Mart 1948 yılında kalp krizinden vefat etmiştir. Bu hastalık tıp dünyasında Behçet hastalığı olarak bilinmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hulusi Behçet, Behçet hastalığı