E-ISSN 2651-5164 / Print-ISSN 2717-6398
The clinical course of Behçet's diseases in pregnancy [Turkderm-Turk Arch Dermatol Venereol]
Turkderm-Turk Arch Dermatol Venereol. 2003; 37(1): 37-40

The clinical course of Behçet's diseases in pregnancy

Afet Akdağ Köse1

Background: A retrospective study among our Behçet's disease clinic patients was planned to evaluate the disease activity during pregnancy. Methods: Fifty pregnant patients enrolled in our Behçet's disease clinic were classified according to their clinical state before pregnancy in three groups as in remission without any lesion, without any change and in activation and were scored. The patients were evaluated both before and after pregnancy. The frequency of mucocutaneous findings before, during and after treatment were recorded. Findings were evaluated with Wilcoxon
Signed Rank Test and compare of two proportions methods.Results: The clinical state was significant when compared with before pregnancy and in the first trimester with
p>0.05, before pregnancy and in the second trimester with p<0.05 and before pregnancy and in the third trimester with p<0.001. The lesions due to Behçet's disease showed conplete or near to complete improvement in the 2nd and 3 rd trimesters of pregnancy. The mucocutaneous findings before and during pregnancy were compared with the method of the comparison of two proportions. The improvement in oral ulceration was significant in all trimesters (p<0.05) but clinical improvement of genital ulceration, erythema nodosum and pseudofolliculitis was significant only in the third trimester (p<0.05). Conclusion: As a result, considering the clinical state during pregnancy, we can conclude that pregnancy is not associated with aggrevation of BehetÕs disease or activation of systemic involvement. We believe that this clinical improvement may be associated with the increasing progesterone levels during pregnancy.

Keywords: Behçet's disease, pregnancy, clinical course.

Behçet hastalığının gebelikteki seyri

Afet Akdağ Köse1
İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıklar Anabilim Dalı

50 gebe Behçet Hastası klinik seyir açısından skorlandırılarak gebelik öncesi, gebelik esnası ve gebelik sonrası olmak üzere üç dönemde toplam 15 ay izlendi. Mukokutan lezyonların yine aynı dönemlerdeki artıp azalma oranları incelendi. Veriler Wilcoxon Signed Rank test ile değerlendirildi. Klinik seyirde gebelik öncesi dönem ile I.trimester arasındaki ilişki anlamsız bulunurken (p>0.05), gebelik öncesi - II.trimester (p<0.05), gebelik öncesi - III.trimester (p<0.001) ilişkisi ileri derecede anlamlı bulundu. Mukokutan bulgularda aftlardaki düzelme her trimesterde (p<0.05), genital ülserde (p<0.05), eritema nodozumda (p<0.05), psödofolikülitte (p<0.05) düzelme ise sadece III.trimesterda anlamlı bulundu (compare of two proportion istatistiki yöntem). Sonuç olarak; gebe Behçet hastalarının gebelik dönemindeki seyrine bakarak gebeliğin Behçet Hastalığı üzerinde kötüleştirici bir etkisinin olmadığını, sistem tutulumlarını aktive etmediğini söyleyebiliriz. Gebelikteki bu iyileşmede gebelikte artan progesteron hormonun rolünün olabileceği kanısındayız.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Behçet Hastalığı, klinik seyir, gebelik

Manuscript Language: Turkish
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