E-ISSN 2651-5164 / Print-ISSN 2717-6398
What is your diagnosis? [Turkderm-Turk Arch Dermatol Venereol]
Turkderm-Turk Arch Dermatol Venereol. 2024; 58(1): 27-28 | DOI: 10.4274/turkderm.galenos.2023.37729

What is your diagnosis?

Selma Sönmez Ergün, Ahmet Kirazoğlu
Bezmialem Vakıf University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, İstanbul, Türkiye

A 72-year-old male patient was admitted to our clinic with a slowly growing mass on the right ala nasi that has been present for 2 years. His medical history was not remarkable. On examination, an immobile mass of rubber consistency 2.5x2.5 cm in size with polypoid appearance was found on the right ala nasi that expanded the right nasal wing and infiltrated the surrounding cheek tissue. Lymphadenopathy was not detected on the neck examination.
A punch biopsy was performed. Histopathological examination revealed that it was a mesenchymal neoplasm with myxoid features.
Histopathological examination after total excision revealed a nodular formation containing spindle cells and mast cells within myxoid edematous stroma in the dermis.
Although the right nostril was narrower than the opposite side, an aesthetically acceptable appearance was obtained. The patient, who was followed up with dressings, recovered uneventfully. There was no recurrence at 18-months follow-up.

Keywords: solitary neurofibroma, external nose, surgical treatment

Tanınız nedir?

Selma Sönmez Ergün, Ahmet Kirazoğlu
Bezmialem Vakıf Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, Türkiye

72 yaşındaki erkek olgu sağ burun kanadında 2 yıldan beri mevcut olan kitle nedeniyle başvurdu. Hastanın yapılan muayenesinde sağ burun kanadını ekspande edip, çevre yanak dokusunu da infiltre eden 2.5x2.5 cm boyutunda, polipoid görünümlü, sert kıvamlı, immobil bir kitlesinin olduğu saptandı.
Punch biyopsi yapıldı. Sonuç miksoid özellikler gösteren mezenkimal neoplazm olarak bildirildi. Total eksizyon sonrası yapılan histopatolojik incelemede dermiste miksoid ödemli stroma içinde iğsi hücreler, mast hücreleri içeren nodüler oluşum saptandı..
Pansumanlarla izlenen hasta sorunsuz iyileşti Burun deliğinde karşı tarafa göre oluşan daralma dışında estetik açıdan kabul edilebilecek bir görünüm sağlandı.
18 aylık izleminde yineleme görülmedi.

Anahtar Kelimeler: soliter nörofibroma, burun, cerrahi tedavi

Corresponding Author: Selma Sönmez Ergün, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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