E-ISSN 2651-5164 / Print-ISSN 2717-6398

An Invitation to Join the Review Board of Turkderm
Document Date: May 19,2021

Dear colleague,

I am delighted to inform you that Turkderm-Turkish Archives of Dermatology and Venereology which is the periodical with the longest history in the field of dermatology in Turkey is continuing to strengthen each day with a dramatic increase in the volume of manuscripts submitted from worldwide. Beginning 2021 we will be able to publish more number of articles per issue. Thus, all research papers, case reports and review articles will be available to the readership within a short time period and all material will continue to be present in English on our webpage which will definitely have an impact on the citation count.

The more the interest is shown in Turkderm in the form of more mansucript submissions the more effort is needed for the evaluation of this material.  This means more reviewers who will contribute to an ethically and scientifically valuable review of each mansuscript and help improve journal quality as well as provide mentorship to prospective authors which at times may be much needed.

I would now like to invite professors and associate professors of dermatology in the international community to join us not just as Turkderm readers but also as reviewers.
If you would like to join the Turkderm’s Editorial Review Board please submit your applicant information to the secretariat at [email protected]. You will  need to provide a brief CV including the following information:
First name
Last name
Areas of research interest

I thank you for your interest in our journal and look forward to collaborating with you.

Prof.Dr. Ekin Şavk

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