E-ISSN 2651-5164 / Print-ISSN 2717-6398
TURKDERM - Turkish Archives of Dermatology and Venereology - Turkderm-Turk Arch Dermatol Venereol: 43 (4)
Volume: 43  Issue: 4 - 2009
1. Importance and Necessity of Study Groups

Page 1
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. Ticks and Dermatology
Emine Derviş
Pages 132 - 138

3. Fifty-six Cases with Mediterranean Spotted Fever: Evaluation of Tick-Borne Spotted Diseases in Turkey
Gönül Şengöz, Filiz Yıldırım, Kadriye Kart Yaşar, Ümit Tözalgan, Özlem Altuntaş Aydın
Pages 139 - 143

4. Evaluation of dermatologic emergeny patients: An unicentral prospective clinical study
Hilal Kaya Erdoğan, İlknur Kıvanç Altunay, Adem Köşlü
Pages 144 - 148

5. Melanocytic Nevi Prevalence and the Relationship with Sun Exposure Among School Children
Meltem Uslu, Ekin Şavk, Göksun Karaman, Neslihan Şendur
Pages 149 - 154

6. Evaluation of Sun Protection Habits and Melanocytic Nevi of Population Screened in a Shopping Mall in Ankara
Nilsel İlter, Murat Orhan Öztaş, Esra Adışen, Mehmet Ali Gürer, Özge Keseroğlu, Selda Ünal, Bilge Kıraç, Jale Yüksek, Canan Kevlekçi, Deniz Çetinkünar, Banu Öztürk, Nergis Eroğlu
Pages 155 - 159

7. The Recurrence and Cosmetic Results After Topical Photodynamic Therapy
Can Ceylan, Fezal Özdemir, Alican Kazandı
Pages 160 - 166

8. Keratinocyte Apoptosis is Decreased in Psoriatic Epidermis
Semih Tatlıcan, Ata Türker Arıkök, Özlem Gülbahar, Cemile Eren, Zeliha Ulukaradağ, Fatma Eskioğlu
Pages 167 - 170

9. Kimura Disease’s: A Case Report
Hakan Cinemre, Feyzi Gökosmanoğlu, Cemil Bilir
Pages 171 - 173

10. A Case of Eosinophilic Ulcer Localized at Lower Lip
Hicran Yetkin, Pınar Yüksel Başak, Vahide Baysal Akkaya, Gülsün İnan, Nilgün Kapucuoğlu
Pages 174 - 176

11. Herpes Zoster in a Healthy Child
Ahu Çiler Çıkım
Pages 177 - 179

12. A Case of Vohwinkel’s Syndrome Succesfully Treated with Acitretin
Ali Murat Ceyhan, Mehmet Yıldırım, Vahide Baysal Akkaya, Nilüfer Şahin Calapoğlu
Pages 180 - 182

13. What is Your Diagnosis?
Filiz Cebeci
Pages 183 - 184
Abstract |Full Text PDF

14. News

Page 185
Abstract |Full Text PDF

15. New Publications

Page 186
Abstract |Full Text PDF

16. 2009 Referee Index

Page 187
Abstract |Full Text PDF

17. 2009 Author Index

Page 188
Abstract |Full Text PDF

18. 2009 Subject Index

Pages 189 - 190
Abstract |Full Text PDF

19. Ulusal Kongre Takvimi

Page 191
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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